Saturday, March 17, 2012

You Have The Right To Get Strangled By A Bra Strap

I'm going to the beach / Gonna eat some eggs / I don't give a fuck if that didn't rhyme / I don't give a fuck if that didn't rhyme

I have spent the last ten or eleven hours schooling myself on Amber Tamblyn and have come to the conclusion that she is possibly the second coming of Wonder Woman. I mean, I had a previous foggy notion that she was an actress or something (she is an actress) but she's also a writer, rapper and recent collaborator with Dan the Automator. And she's funny as all get out, as proven in these awareness raps which she wrote because Tyrese is a nosy nelly and thought her email address - which he saw cc'd on someone else's email - was that of Amber Rose and contacted her about making some music together.

This all happened a little while ago and you can read about it on her website, but the songs are finally available for download and all proceeds go to the Write Now Poetry Society, which funds creative writing workshops for women and girls and other organisations working to end violence against women. Everything about this makes me so happy. My favourite is 'All In Favour', about the recent bat shit actually insane woman hating birth control legislation that's going on in the US right now:

You think sanctioning my ovaries won't bring me to violence? / How about I tell you what to do with your caucus? / It is now illegal to think about me topless / To keep your lotion where your socks is / To refer to powerful women as monsters / Like those jocks at Fox did / I am not afraid to cock block dick / To sew an instructional video of rape kits to your eyelids and make you watch it

The song manages to simultaneously make me want to dance and grind and also go get on a plane, fly to D.C. and knee these douche nozzle policy makers in the ball sack. And as Melanie wrote last week in her blog, The Feminist Guide To Hollywood, "Why aren't actual musicians writing songs about this and bringing attention to the fact that the United States Congress is trying to ban birth control?" You can listen to all the tracks at Tamblyn's Soundcloud.

And if that doesn't get you all riled up about the situation, here's a video of Kathleen Hanna speaking at last year's Planned Parenthood rally (I know it's an old video, but I think it's worth watching again seeing as Planned Parenthood in Texas just lost some of its government funding, and Texas' Medicaid Women's Health Programme has lost all of its funding). As sickening as some of these potential laws are, I take heart in the fact that there are these inspiring women getting up and telling those stupid old men to fuck themselves.