Monday, December 12, 2011

welcome wagon

Hi everyone!

Welcome to patti smith is my home girl. My plan for this site is to make it a great source of interviews, videos, news and information on new and emerging female musical talent. I'm aiming to create a positive and inclusive space which celebrates all of the amazing women in music without trivialising or sidelining their talent. There will be no questions about beauty routines, diets or love lives.

Though the namesake of the site is one specific musician, I don't intend to limit the content to one genre or type of woman. I chose Patti Smith simply because I think she's a goddess (albeit one among many), is widely listened to and is an inspirational example to a lot of musicians I know – women and men. Over time, I'm looking forward to paying tribute to many other amazing musical women, from Yoko Ono to Kathleen Hanna to Janelle Monรกe. The focus will mostly remain, however, on the up-and-comings or lesser knowns.

Thank you for reading, and stay tuned! And now, a moment with The Lady.