Monday, December 12, 2011

interview with katie from bang! bang! rock n roll

Bang! Bang! Rock n Roll are Katie, Joel and Jessie. They play "sexy, thrashy, scuzzy rock to get you on the dance floor" which I've been enjoying very much of late. I was lucky enough to score a quick email interview with Katie, who plays the drums and absolutely kills it. The American blog Die Pop Tapes writes about them, "BANG! BANG! ROCK 'N ROLL is not a light listen and wholeheartedly deserves your undivided desire to swing, swagger, twist, lay in your own vomit, and of course forget it all and do it again with the small hope your brain will catch up with your experience." It's been a long time since I lay in my own vomit, but theirs is the music that lets you live vicariously through their own bad assery. Download their album, put on some shades and feel dangerous.

What's the story behind the band?

Joel & I used to be in a band together called The Vignettes, things weren't really going anywhere musically, so we decided to have a jam with Jess and it worked out so well, we decided to keep going with it! The name comes from an Art Brut album of the same name, and it has been personally approved by ex-bandmate, Chris Chinchilla.

I saw you guys tweeted recently that the US loves you more than Australia, any theories as to why you think that is?

We're basing it on data we get via soundcloud etc, we have more listeners and we get more attention from American blogs than we do Australian ones. I think that Australia is caught in a bit of a folk funk at the moment, and can't see past it. I also think that Triple J has a lot of the blame for that, since they only play big acts and international acts, instead of concentrating on Australian music, and up and coming bands like they should be.

What's been your favourite live show to date?

We played an all ages show in country Victoria, heaps of kids! We even had a moshpit! It was a great experience, and the biggest stage we've ever played on.

How do you all usually approach song writing, does each member have a specific role to play or do you tend to share things around?

Joel writes most of the music, but both Jess and I have a few ideas to contribute and are working on songs to contribute.

Do you think sound has evolved or changed since you first got together?

We've definitely gone in a more garage/punk direction than we first anticipated. But it's all part of the process, really. I still find it hard to pigeon hole us into one specific genre.

How would you describe the band to someone who hasn't heard you before?

The best way would be to describe us as your party soundtrack! We're alternative, punky, garagey & most of all, we're always out for a good time, and playing in a band is one of the best ways to do that.

What's the plan for 2012?

We're looking to record another EP, and do more interstate and local shows. The goal is really to play as much as possible, and to get more exposure.

You can download their album here and for more info and upcoming shows, go to their facebook.