Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Western Esotericism

So we have a new video clip from the Flaming Lips, featuring Erykah Badu. It involves nakedness and bodily fluids and has provoked all kinds of responses from people - people trying to figure out what exactly is going on and people dismissing it as a terrible song and shitty video. Myself, I like it, I think it's gorgeous and that the imagery matches the song really really well. And even though I have a pretty much non existant understanding of art criticism I managed to form an almost coherent opinion on what the video represents: Nudity and Wayne Coyne's silver flag thing aside, I think it represents the progression of a romantic relationship. From glitter (happiness, falling in love, all that carry on) to something more real and human, e.g. blood and semen, e.g. that stage where you realise your partner really does poop and fart and doesn't look like a total dream boat 24/7. What do you think? (Click here to watch the video).